Choo Choo Train

Covid-19 Statement

If someone is exposed to COVID-19 or tests positive, we will be transparent to you about it. Here is the procedure:

If Someone is Exposed to COVID-19
  1. We will find out if exposure actually happened and the timeline. Someone has to have at least 15 minutes of contact within 6 feet of distance from the person who tested positive within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
  2. If direct exposure actually happened, we will ask the exposed person to quarantine herself from the centre for 14 days.
  3. We will alert our licensing organization, JKM, the State Health Department, and our customers.
  4. The centre will be closed for disinfection and sanitization as ordered by the authorities.
  5. If there is no direct exposure, such as someone is exposed to someone who is exposed (3rd party), there is no need for quarantine or centre closure. However, we will still alert our customers about it and proceed to do the disinfection and sanitization.
If Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19
  1. If a child begins to show symptoms at the centre, we will remove the child from the classroom and place them in a room with minimal toys/furniture. Our staff member will be wearing a PPE while accompanying the child.
  2. If a staff member begins to show symptoms at work, we will send them home immediately. If symptoms start at home, we will get our staff member to take a rapid test and remain home until the result is out. If positive, she must remain home and quarantine for 14 days. If negative, we will wait at least 24 hours and have her tested again. If negative, she may return to work.
  3. We will notify JKM, State Health Department, and our customers.
  4. The centre will be closed for disinfection and sanitization as ordered by the authorities.
  5. People who are exposed to the confirmed positive person will self-quarantine for 14 days from the time of exposure.
Note: These procedures are subject to the latest SOP from our government.