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April 16, 2024

Nurturing Creativity: The Arts-Enhanced Approach to Early Childhood Education

In the realm of early childhood education, parents seek more than just conventional learning methods for their young ones. They yearn for an approach that not only fosters academic.
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April 5, 2024

How to Ease the Stress of Daycare Pick-Ups

Has your child been throwing fits during pick-up at school? We know it’s hard to deal with the battle after your long workday. We are here to tell you.
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July 18, 2023

What can we do to raise our children as good global citizens?

Do you believe when we say children have to learn to live sustainably to be good global citizens? This may not be talked about enough but learning about sustainability.
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June 2, 2023

What makes a good daycare space design?

If you have been looking around, you may notice that most daycare have a cute appeal similar to each other – colourful walls and small furniture. But you may.
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May 5, 2023

What is cognitive development in early childhood?

Every 2 to 6 months, we present a milestone report detailing a child’s developmental progress to parents. One of the developmental progress is “cognitive development”. It may be obvious.
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April 6, 2023

Why does my child need sensory play?

You may have heard someone promoting “sensory play” for children. We are one of those people who say “sensory play” every time a parent asks, what activities will my.
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March 2, 2023

How to Talk Art with Children

Do you always say “it’s beautiful” and “I love it” when your child shows their drawing, painting, or craft piece? You are not alone, many parents are not sure.
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February 3, 2023

Art Spaces at Home

Does your child have so many toys at home that they have outgrown and you are thinking of getting them something else other than toys? Or are you looking.
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January 10, 2023

Give Messy Art to Your Child!

As a parent, hearing the word messy may be scary. You may be saying no to yourself as you read this. It is understandable because even for the teachers.
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